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Why Perspective Matters in your life!

Have you ever thought about why your perspective matters?    Whether you have or haven't, it’s important to understand that everyone sees life through a different lens based on experiences and circumstances. Let me explain. First, let's start with the circumstances of your life. When you are born, things shape who you are, and you have zero control over them. For example, you don't get to choose your parents, heritage, genetics (color of hair, eyes, etc.), or where you were born. Let's take it a little further and blow your mind. Do you know how lucky you are to be alive? The odds of you being born is 1 in 400 trillion. I mean, when you put it like that,...

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Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Hey you, yes you. I want to let you in on a secret that will help you focus on your strengths. Shhhh..... It's a secret....We all suck at something. Let me repeat it, WE ALL SUCK AT SOMETHING. You may be asking yourself, why is he telling me this? I’m telling you because it’s true, and we tend to forget we cannot be good at everything and that’s ok.  The time is now to start focusing on your strengths and something you enjoy instead of what you don’t enjoy because someone else says you should. I see it all the time. People are focusing on their weakness instead of their strengths to fit in with the group. The result is causing...

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Why Paying it Forward is so Important

Life always has a way of delivering good news or help at the most opportune time. That's why it's so important to pay it forward when something good happens to you. When you think about the times in your life when things weren't going well, you were not in a good place and struggling to get by, or nothing was going right. During that time, life happened to deliver you some good news, or someone helped you get out of your funk, or something finally went your way. Just a coincidence, or is it something much bigger? I personally believe it's something much bigger. You cannot just sit around and expect things to be given to you. You have to work for them, and when you put the effort...

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Time is the best gift you can give anyone

It started about 22 years ago. My life was going great, and I was so looking forward to the future. I had an amazing woman in my life, a great career, great friends, and not a care in the world. I had no idea life was about to be turned upside down, and I would never be the same person again. Let me start at the beginning. On my way to the softball world championships, I stopped by my sister-in-law's nail salon to help her with a new cell phone. I walked in, said hi to everyone, and made eye contact with Doree, who was sitting behind my sister-in-law. She had this amazing smile and beautiful eyes. There was an instant connection;...

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Seven Reasons why we are, who we are!

Do you ever wonder what makes you who we are? Why you are the way you are and why your family and friends are the way they are. It's incredible to think about how many people are in this world (over 7.5 billion) today. We are all so different, yet we have many similarities; it's almost scary at times. Think about how many people you have met in your life to date. Some of them  you have an instant   bond or attraction to, and it seems   like you have known them   forever.   Others take time to warm up to and   realize you have a friendship or an   attraction to them. Then others   can't leave your life fast enough.  I know that's a little harsh but true. We are all unique. Why do we get along so well with some and not so well with others? That's a great question and one I've studied for a long time. In my research, I found...

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