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The Poison I Drink Expecting Others to Die

This title may have made you think to yourself, "I would never drink poison and expect others to die. That makes absolutely no sense, and Paul must be crazy." I ask you to give me a few minutes to read this; I'm confident the title will make perfect sense and might even hit home for you.Have you ever held grudges or resentments and withheld information from others, hoping it would hurt them? We all have at one point in our lives, and you do it knowingly and usually with intention, and no one is safe, not your friends, family, or partner. You want to scorch anyone whom you feel has wronged you, and what you don't realize is that you...

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We spend so much time in our heads that we forget to live our lives. And guess what? You are probably doing it right now and don't even notice you're doing it. Let me paint you a picture; you might be pleasantly surprised! From birth until age eight, our lives are filled with events that mold and shape who we become. During these years, we learn quickly, absorbing everything—some good, some not so good. This period involves rapid cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development due to significant brain and neurological growth. During these formative years, we learn the core beliefs that we carry into our lives. These beliefs shape how we behave in different situations and what we do or avoid...

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Welcome to Your Life

Many of you reading this might be navigating your life without fully realizing it's your life to shape. I'll explain, but let me give you some context.I've been on a personal discovery and improvement journey since I was part of a reduction in force last November. What seemed like a setback turned out to be one of my life's most impactful and transformative experiences.For the past four years, I've been dedicating myself to ZUP2U, striving to inspire people to be the difference in their lives by embracing their authentic selves. My intentions have always been pure: I genuinely want others to embrace their authentic selves, be their best version, and live their best lives.But here's the truth: while I was...

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Embracing Life's Unseen Design: Finding Purpose in the Unexplained

Whatever you are going through right now, I need you to understand it's meant for you.  You may not believe it at this moment, and that's understandable but trust me it will reveal itself to you in time. It will allow you to learn and grow in ways you cannot see or know now. Life is a complex mosaic made up of the threads of our experiences, challenges, and moments of serendipity.Have you ever taken the time to examine what you've been through, only to realize later it happened for a reason? It's a profound truth that only reveals itself and becomes apparent retrospectively. Amid your trials and tribulations, it's challenging to fathom the purpose behind the chaos you're experiencing. However, as time...

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Protect Your Peace: Embracing Inner Calmness in a Chaotic World

I've made it a point to start protecting the things that matter most to me, and one of those things is my inner peace. Living in a world filled with noise, chaos, and opinions, finding and safeguarding my peace has become invaluable to my health and well-being.  In this article, I will share the importance of cultivating inner tranquility amidst life's storms, offering personal strategies to protect and nurture your peace in an ever-demanding world. In the hustle and bustle of our lives, we quickly find ourselves swept up in the chaos, constantly bombarded by external and internal pressures, expectations, and opinions.  In today's fast-paced world, safeguarding our peace has become more crucial than ever. But what exactly do I...

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