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Your Ability to Look Inward Determines Capability to Look Outward

Your ability to look inwards determines your capability to look outwards with compassion, kindness, and understanding. In my opinion, we need a hell of a lot more compassion, kindness, and understanding in the world today and in the future. If you disagree, stop reading and move on to something you feel will be more valuable because this will do you absolutely no good; but know this, I wish you all best. If you believe we need more of those things, read on, and I hope you enjoy my take on the importance of learning to look inwards instead of outwards.Listen, it's effortless to look outward and point out what you believe others have done wrong or where they fall short...

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Find the Lesson In Every Situation of Life

You will go through struggles in your life.  It's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when and how many. During those times, you will only have control over how you react and respond to your struggles. The good news is that you can and will make it through them. Do your best to stay optimistic and close to your family and friends during those times. But don't forget to be there for your family and friends when they are struggling. It's always nice to have someone to lean on.  I wrote this post sharing some of my life experiences because I'm a true believer you can find something positive in every difficult situation in your life.  You...

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Why Am I Not Good Enough?

The most brutal prison you will ever live in is the fear of what other people think.  It can paralyze you from moving forward in your life and putting your wants and needs first. I lived this firsthand for many years before finally realizing how much it affected my life and happiness.  About nine years ago, my life felt like it was falling apart, and I could not understand how I let this happen or why it was happening.  I was sitting at work knowing my life was at a crossroads, my marriage was failing, and work had become unbearable. After dedicating 17 years of my life to working my way up the corporate ladder, I knew it was time...

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The Train of Life Waits for Now One!

The train of life is always on the tracks and moving full steam ahead regardless of anything happening in the world, to you or anyone else. I know that may sound harsh, insensitive, or just plain rude but let me assure you it's a fact. Life waits for no one. It keeps going no matter what, and the sooner you understand, the better equipped you will be to handle life's challenges. Why is it so important you understand this? Because it will help you focus on what's most important in your life and keep things in perspective as you move forward during all the ups and downs of your life. The fact is, you are never guaranteed tomorrow, and yesterday...

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My 7-Day Break From All Social Media

I was at a place in my life where I realized it was time to pause and take a step back for my mental health and well-being to gain clarity on the next chapter of my life.  So, I decided to take a seven-day break from all social media to concentrate on myself, and I'm so thankful I did.  Here's a behind-the-scenes look at my break from all social media and why I would highly recommend it to you.  Too often, not taking a step back to evaluate what's next can be harmful because you've grown since you were last in a position to make a change in your life. I know it's something I've done in the past, and I...

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