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Change, The only Constant In Life

The only thing that will never change in life is the fact things will continually change. Change will always be a constant in your life. From childhood to adulthood, the world around you will be in a perpetual state of transformation, just like your world. As you move through your life, you will begin to create familiar routines that bring comfort and stability. This tends to feel good, and sometimes so good you never want it to change. But as the years pass, you realize that change will become a force you cannot escape. Think about it: you start preschool, then you move to elementary, junior high, and finally high school. Pause for a moment and think about all the...

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Your Mind Can Trick You!

You will face some very challenging things in your life, and when those challenges present themselves, your mind can trick you into believing the obstacles you're facing are much bigger than they are. Wait, what. Yep, it's true, and you don't even realize it's happening. How is that possible? Whenever you face the unknown or uncertainty in your life, the natural human tendency is to focus on what could go wrong or how difficult it could be. This is because your mind naturally goes there, and it does so to protect you. Think about the last time when you were nervous or scared to face whatever you were facing. I'm sure you didn't say I got this, no problem. It...

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There's Good In Every Struggle

I contemplated writing this post for many reasons; the biggest was that no one loves discussing their struggles. Then I realized that's also why I had to write this post.  Everyone will struggle in their life. But, unfortunately, some struggle more than others, and I'm convinced it's because they've never developed the tools to face them head-on.  Listen, it's not a matter of if but of when and how many. During those times, you will only have control over how you react and respond to your struggles. The good news is that you can and will make it through them. Being optimistic during those times can be very challenging. That's why staying close to your support system is extremely important....

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Time Is Never Guaranteed

The fact is you have no idea how much time you have on this earth, yet you live life like it's endless. So, is that a bad thing? More on that in a minute; let's find out what time is and why it is so hard to quantify.The definition of time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. The key word is indefinite, defined as lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time.So your time on this earth lasts for an unknown or unstated length of time, yet time is something you take for granted without even realizing you are doing it. Think about how often you...

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As we move into the holiday season and look forward to the New Year, it was important to me to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to engage and share my content. I cannot tell you how gratifying it is to receive messages letting me know that my content has positively impacted someone. It truly inspires me to continue being in the difference in my life while inspiring others along the way. My goal with ZUP2U remains the same, to inspire you to be the difference in your life, whatever that looks like for you. That's why I will continue to post on all my social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and Twitter) accounts.I wish you...

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